
Group: DynoMotion Message: 4592 From: mrosenfield2 Date: 4/18/2012
Subject: 4.29 upgrade
I tried the 4.29 upgrade this morning, but with poor results.
Do I need to remove 4.28 from the pc before putting 4.29 on?
I flashed 4.29 to KFlop following the instructions in KMotion - any tricky things there?
I had communication loss between KFlop and pc that was only resolved by power cycling.
Any reason a c init file that works fine under 4.28 would cause run-time errors on 4.29?

Group: DynoMotion Message: 4594 From: Tom Kerekes Date: 4/18/2012
Subject: Re: 4.29 upgrade
Hi Micael,
You can have multiple versions on your PC at the same time.  But if you switch to a different version you must flash the corresponding firmware version into KFLOP.
You must cycle power after flashing a new firmware version.  That is normal.
It sounds like you somehow have KMotionCNC configure to run the Init.c file in an invalid Thread.  Valid Thread numbers are 1-7.

Group: DynoMotion Message: 4595 From: Michael Rosenfield Date: 4/18/2012
Subject: Re: 4.29 upgrade
Yes, that was one of the errors. But it did not occur in 4.28. Is this something set in the init file, or something set in KMotion or KMotionCNC?
Group: DynoMotion Message: 4596 From: Tom Kerekes Date: 4/18/2012
Subject: Re: 4.29 upgrade
Hi Michael,
Where you assign the Init.c file to a button you specify which KFLOP Thread it should execute in (If you need two programs to be executing at the same time they must be placed in different Threads).  KMotionCNC | Tool Setup | User Buttons Screen
The previous Version should have given an error message also but it reported an "Error Compiling Init.c" leading one to think there was a problem with the C code.  V4.29 reports that it is the Thread Number is invalid.

Group: DynoMotion Message: 4597 From: Michael Rosenfield Date: 4/18/2012
Subject: Re: 4.29 upgrade
Thanks, Tom.
Looks like a case of Operator Error!